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By Sanbaz


got this from carboot but cant remember what it is

Comments on this photo


A little like an Allium?

4 Jun, 2009


hope so PP, i really like that plant, could be umm

4 Jun, 2009


Looks like an agapanthus San...:)

4 Jun, 2009


will look that up Di,, thanx
had a look Di and it could be as i rmember seeing them at carboot around the time i got this

4 Jun, 2009


I thought it was agapanthus too :) I have a plant that hasn't bloomed for a while so I transplanted it and noticed a flower spike came up a week later and it looks very similar to this. I don't remember having an agapanthus in a pot though... we'll see when the flower opens :)

4 Jun, 2009


let me know when it opens tastey,,

4 Jun, 2009


Also think it an Agapanthus........

4 Jun, 2009


looking good,,, thanx lincs

4 Jun, 2009


my agapanthus looks like this too. :o)

5 Jun, 2009


looks like it is that sea,, will take pic when in bloom

5 Jun, 2009


You'll love it San...agapanthus are gorgeous. Try feeding it every week with tomato food until it flowers...and be prepared to fall in love...;)

PS. It won't be pink

5 Jun, 2009


thanx Di,, lol,, didnt think it would be pink :o(, but sure i will love it anyway

5 Jun, 2009

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