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My Brother's Christmas gift


By Flcrazy

My Brother's Christmas gift

This is the present my oldest brother made for our youngest brother this past Christmas. If you remember, he made me the turtle, and I promised to show you the other gifts he made.

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Wow, he's a clever brother !
I like this :)

7 Jun, 2009


very clever, i agree louise

7 Jun, 2009


thats brilliant

7 Jun, 2009


Its great, are you all gardeners in the family Flcrazy..

7 Jun, 2009


Thanks guys, can't wait to tell him you all like his gifts he made us. Young daisy, my younger brothers and I all inherited the need to create stuff for our sanity's sake, but I'm the only flower gardener. My oldest brother works with metal and paint, and my youngest brother has done some wonderful oil paintings and can airbrush anything and make it look realistic . He also is the one who turned out to be a cattle farmer like my father.

7 Jun, 2009


Oh that's ingenius!

23 Jun, 2009


Super cute!

11 Jul, 2009


This brother raisies chickens, so he made him a mother hen with her

11 Jul, 2009

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