darmera peltata
By Sanbaz

9 Jun, 2009
spring flowering but liked the leaves which go red in autumn, got this today
Comments on this photo
i thought that to PP, it gets clusters of pink and white flowers in spring which look lovely
9 Jun, 2009
Nice Sandra - leaves look very much like rhubarb so if grows the same hope you have plenty of room for it !
9 Jun, 2009
it is going to be big but untill i take out my bedding plants ive just popped it in a space, will be more room at the end of summer,,probably shouldnt have got it but took my eye BB
9 Jun, 2009
Oh sure it will be fine and they do have lovely flowers looked it up and known as Indian rhubarb for some reason often grown in damp by ponds .. so should be fine in our weather ..
9 Jun, 2009
i put it where the sun doesnt go till later and close to water feature, thought that would look nice BB, thanx for info :o))
9 Jun, 2009
We ve all done it Sandra bought things moved them round perhaps a place at the back of the border where it can die down over winter without disturbing your other plants ?
9 Jun, 2009
just read that flowers come first then leaves, thats interesting, yes will do that BB
9 Jun, 2009
I've recently bought one Sandra and I've put it by my pond. Mine hasnt flowered though, maybe next Spring. They get big you know, six foot high with leaves 60cm across, lol. I've always wanted one.
10 Jun, 2009
lol i wont be able to see out of my kitchen, think i will have to move it when summer bedding plants are gone
10 Jun, 2009
Dont want to be a killjoy Sandra, I think they are fantastic. I'm sure you will find somewhere for it. I've just looked it up in my book and it says 3ft x 2ft so maybe not so big as Crocus says (thats where I had mine from). Your soil looks wonderful, by the way.
10 Jun, 2009
i think i may have got mixed up on reading tag, thought it was big, anyway i will find space lol, soil was brought in dawn, top soil as we have heavy clay here,,
10 Jun, 2009
Soil looks great San, wish I had it :-( We have heavy clay.
10 Jun, 2009
my wild flowers seem ok in the lay but it always looks flat when it gets wet, then goes hard, thats why we had the raised bed, also stopped the flooding at that side of the lawn
10 Jun, 2009
Think you made the right decision Sandra, creating the raised bed.
10 Jun, 2009
thanx dawn me to :o)
10 Jun, 2009
Had to see what the leaves are like! Lovely! Especially if it goes red in autumn!
28 Apr, 2010
thanx karen it does well here because i dont get sun here till later in day so always damp which they like.
28 Apr, 2010
sounds ideal for my shady area then. I shall look for some! Glad you shared this, everyone likes it and it has the flowers, the leaves and the autumn colour....excellent plant!
28 Apr, 2010
good luck , hope you get one karen ;o))
28 Apr, 2010
28 Apr, 2010
they sell them at crocus online karen just found them if you cant get one close to you ;o)
28 Apr, 2010
Excellent! I love crocus, buy from them all the time!
28 Apr, 2010
:o)) great nite karen
28 Apr, 2010
It's a lovely shape to start with San , I didn't know the leaves turned red in the autumn thats a bonus ..:-)
3 Jun, 2010
yes look lovely in autumn, ive posted a new pic from above so you can see how much its grown amy ;o))
3 Jun, 2010
Pictures by sanbaz
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This photo is of "delmera peltata" in Sanbaz's garden
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Not seen this one before, but like the sound of the Red leaves.
9 Jun, 2009