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Brunfelsia americana - Lady of the Night/Galan de Noche?

Brunfelsia americana - Lady of the Night/Galan de Noche? (Brunfelsia americana - Lady of the Night?)

This plant was labeled Fagraea salticola - False Coffee Plant...however, I don't think it is...because the flowers are very different on Fagraea species. Also, Fagraea species are so extremely ultra tropical...not even tolerating subtropical climates -- like San Diego. (Although, I may be wrong)

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The flowers turn from yellow to white...and are very fragrant!

16 Jun, 2009

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Pictures by Delonix1
1104 of 6747

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See who else is growing Brunfelsia americana - Lady of the Night?.

See who else has plants in genus Brunfelsia.

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    31 Jan, 2008