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Phil Oakey...Oak Bloke's quirky quercus potted friend

Phil Oakey...Oak Bloke's quirky quercus potted friend

Grown from a local Glastonbury acorn planted last autumn and doing well...any one have any ideas what he may like to help him grow even bigger?!

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Oo - he looks nice and healthy!

22 Jun, 2009


Just a bigger pot eventually, I suppose. Looks lovely and healthy.
My son's and I grew one from seed when they were young but Oaks grow a bit slowly for youngsters and they lost interest but I still have the Conker(Horse Chestnut) they grew at the same time ( about 14 years ago) in a large pot. They keep wanting me to plant it in the ground but it won't be them who have the problem of it being too big in a few years time!

14 Jul, 2009


Yes, this photo is already out of date. But the poor oak bloke duo have both developed yellow polka dots /freckles on their leaves even though they are now a few feet high and obviously merrily growing up. Any kind soul got any clues as to yello acne on oaks? They still thrive, they are just spotty! Oak adolescence? ;-) Photo to follow...

15 Jul, 2009


Sounds like a fungle-somthingorother....

16 Jul, 2009

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