Starlingbright7's Profile

About me
Hello, I have a little patch of south facing garden in Somerset which I am trying not to get too attached to as I need to move house again soon. Unfortunately for the last twenty one years I have had ME and all of its attendant difficluties (pain, neurological nastiness, complete physical and mental meltdown) so I have to keep things simple. With this simplicity comes the blessing of my getting great pleasure from the pootlings and moseyings of the tiny creatures and growing green beings in my little patch. I feel my job is to notice all the things the busy and important people with 'real' lives overlook ;-) I will update this when I can and really appreciate looking at all the wonderful gardens on this site when I am able to sit at the PC. Thank you all for sharing! With love X
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Joined in Jun 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: Currently Somerset