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Changes to edge of the woodland bed

Changes to edge of the woodland bed

i have had a bit of a change around, the Witch Hazel has moved to the back of the garden - in the red and blue corner. and in its place i have planted one of the three new acers i am hoping the dwaf one with bright hot pink new growth that will look stunning infront of the dark burgandy one from last year. i have also added my new green Gladi in the space next to it in front of the fence. i have also added my spare peonie sorbet next to the strawberry fields shrub and my japonese quince is now in the gap against the fence, and i have planted two more pineapple lilies that i had started off in the greenhouse to make a group of 3. the leuconera has now moved into a nice square pot thought i would make it into a topary ball like the box.

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Sounds as if it will look wonderful Angie.

23 Mar, 2008


Great to have a change-round, isn't it!

23 Mar, 2008


oh yes! i love a good change around, its all part of it - you don't always get it right first time, and i don't know about you but even when i am happy, i see something else i'd like to try, so my garden is always constantly changing.

24 Mar, 2008


Talking of change arounds im Going2 give the little boarder near my front door a fresh look in Summer when i repot my Hanging Basket which fell down in all that wind few wks ago :)

24 Mar, 2008


hi Jac, it's best to have a change around now, rather than summer, as it will give everything time to get going and the roots established before the hot weather (if we get any that is!) if you leave it too late or do it in the summer you could end up loosing plants (particually shrubs) even if you do get away with it you will be endlessly watering!

24 Mar, 2008

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This photo is of "7. Woodland Bed & Fairy Garden" in Majeekahead's garden

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