Wild orchids onthe way to the beach with Dexter
By Arlene

15 Jun, 2009
Comments on this photo
15 Jun, 2009
~there are a lot this year Bernieh and down at the rivers edge there were lots of yellow iris but they were past their best or would have taken a pic.
Also missed Dexter jumping into quite deep water off the river bank!He was fortunately okay!
15 Jun, 2009
The lilies would have been a wonderful sight as well. Poor old Dexter - must have been a bit of a shock!
15 Jun, 2009
How Lovely 2 see Wild Orchids Arlene :)
15 Jun, 2009
wonderful :o)
15 Jun, 2009
these are lovely Arlene, i was looking at some of these on line a few weeks back and pondering on getting some for the back of the garden, they are really difficult to come by you know....do you know are they endangered? this did cross my mind.
17 Jun, 2009
Hi Angie
~in addition to the one in the pot with the day lily there are another three flower heads in a pot which started out with an iris and then one orchid seeded itself a couple of years ago and has been allowed to go wild as I didn't want to disturb the plant..it has obviously seeded so I will make sure to catch the seed this year and as there are three flowers I will give you some ~If it is my seed I can do what I like with it I think.The more it is propagated the better!!
I was going to move the one in the pot which still has iris leaves and some marsh wild plant in it as it is getting a bit congested but not sure as to whether to move the whole lot up into a bigger pot with lots more room or to try to split it.....I have done nothing so far in case I do the wrong thing!
Looking at where they are growing it is quite damp and a bit marshy as the rain water drains down through the banks to the river~I have never seen so many as there are this year so maybe a wet cold winter has helped?
You are very welcome to have some seed.
17 Jun, 2009
oh yes please Arlene that would be wonderful, they would look fanastic through my woodland bed....i say woodland but it is quite sunny there.... and i gues you are right the more they are propergated the better, i have wild white violets growing wild in my garden, and i think they are rare, i have propegated them and sent them all over the place, if they are in my garden don't see any real reason why not, if you like that sort of thing would gladly send you some in return, there are seeds and off shoots on them now, if you would like some just send your address and i'll send them on for you x
17 Jun, 2009
~ I would love to have some white violets~ thank you ~I have the small purple dog violets absolutely everywhere~ I think they must have seeded into every pot I have!
If you let me have your add I will send the seed as soon as possible~I was thinking of putting a bag over the flower heads when it looks as though it they going over.
many thanks
ps~ don't forget to give me your address!
17 Jun, 2009
...just found 3 nice big ripe pods...will pop them in the post for you today, they are really easy from seed it's just a case of scatter where you want them.....
17 Jun, 2009
~many thanks Angie~ Was quite distracted this morning worrying about Merlin He has had antibiotics and seems much brighter.~still got a lump under his paw which hasn't been looked at yet until the infection dies down~it is a bit worrying but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it...he is ten years old which is not bad for a boxer!
17 Jun, 2009
bless him, it sounds like he has something in there does'nt it, either that or an illergic reaction to a bite of some sort, i will have a little prayer for him Arlene.
18 Jun, 2009
Sorry to hear about Merlin. I hope he is getting better.
18 Jun, 2009
~hi Angie
~haven't been home from work long and have just been out to get the post~your seeds have arrived! Many thanks that was very quick!
I have got seed compost so will get them sorted after a cup of tea.Looking forward to seeing them grow~not seen white ones!
Merlin is a lot better~much more himself,your prayer has had an instant effect considering how poorly he looked!crossed my mind I would find him gone in the morning~he normally loves his food and is eating well which means it is easy to grind his antibiotic pills to a powder with my pestle and mortar~can never remember which is which! neither bit looks remotely like a pestle or a mortar?! and it goes on his food and vanishes double quick!
Although he still has got a limp the foot has reduced in size and we may have more idea what is wrong when he goes back to the vet next week.
With the money that we have spent getting nowhere with Harvey and now Merlin I think I should be buying shares in a veterinary practice!
got to get out before the light goes! Many thanks!x
18 Jun, 2009
your welcome and glad he is on the mend, do keep me posted i will keep merlin in my prayers.
18 Jun, 2009
Sorry to hear that Merlin is poorly....Winnie and I send lots of love and hugs, and hope for a speedy recovery xx
18 Jun, 2009
~many thanks for all the prayers and get well wishes~I am quite sure they help!
18 Jun, 2009
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What a lovely sight on the way to the beach.
15 Jun, 2009