Flower of the year for me
By Mookins

15 Jun, 2009
Bleeding heart dicentria Spectablis
(scuse the spelling)
also have the alba (white)
Comments on this photo
Paul, i cut mine back and they flower again, it surprised me !!!
15 Jun, 2009
Mookins, i forgot to say ..... that's a great photo, lovely subject too :)
15 Jun, 2009
Oh, surprises me too Louise. mine seem to die back very quickly after flowering!
15 Jun, 2009
I have 6 3 of each colour and the pink have shot up to this where as the white arent half as close to this stage!! No where near in fact!!
they are fab to photograph just such an amazement so perfectly formed
i love mother nature
x x x
15 Jun, 2009
I,m nipping out to cut mine back now,worth a try.Thanks Louise,nice pic Mookins
15 Jun, 2009
your right jen such a perfect little flower i love them to
15 Jul, 2009
Mine are still going .... i deadhead and cut back and they keep coming :))))
Amazing !
15 Jul, 2009
thats great Louise1
mine have nearly all stoppped flowering but have yet for the to die down so maybe these will re flower
fingers crossed will keep you posted
x xx
15 Jul, 2009
I didnt do anything to these and they are flowering again have posted another pic
have been keeping an eye out since you mentioned it
thought I would let you know
x x x
3 Aug, 2009
That's good Mookins.
Mine have a few flowers left but i think they're finally finishing, i don't think i'll cut them back again now, too late in the year.
Good to know they spring back though eh ? :))
3 Aug, 2009
well chuffed
I probably wouldnt have noticed if you hadnt of said
so thanks hunny
x x x
3 Aug, 2009
4 Aug, 2009
Pictures by mookins
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Dicentra Spectabilis
£8.50 at Burncoose -
Dicentra Spectabilis 'Alba'
£8.50 at Burncoose -
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Has your white one finished flowering. Mine finished a god month ago. in fact, ithey didn't last long at all this year!
15 Jun, 2009