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Kalanchoe pinnata - Cathedral Bells or Air Plant

Kalanchoe pinnata - Cathedral Bells or Air Plant (Kalanchoe pinnata - Cathedral Bells or Air Plant)

Growing in a private yard in Banker's Hill, San Diego, CA. Photo taken June 14, 2009.

Comments on this photo


What an unusual looking plant !

16 Jun, 2009


They are a lovely thing.

16 Jun, 2009



Yes, they are kind of unusual...if you're not familiar with the genus Kalanchoe. This plant is widely grown in California and Hawaii.



16 Jun, 2009


Its very pretty.....

16 Jun, 2009


I've got one very similar, if not exactly the same. It was doing so beautifully and then it froze over the winter. It's making a comeback, but I've yet to see it flower. Thanks for sharing the flowers :)

18 Jun, 2009



There's many species of Kalanchoe...this species is extremely tender to's highly unlikely the roots would even survive freezing temps...several species will tolerate freezing temps for a short period of time though.

18 Jun, 2009


We got down to about 27 degrees, but not for an extended amount of time. I'm pretty sure I have a photo of mine on here somewhere, from before the frost got to it. If I find it I'll let you know. It made a bunch of babies, I think they came off the sides of the trunk. I'll have to snap a shot and post it to see if you can id it :) Thanks.

19 Jun, 2009



If this temps was only for a short period of time. The plant may come back from the roots.

19 Jun, 2009


Hello I need this plant for health purposes can you please sell me some please contact me (619)734-4214 my name is Thamar thank you so much

11 Jun, 2016



This was growing in a private garden somewhere in Banker's Hill, San Diego. I'm not sure where it's located as it's been 7 years since I took the photo.

It appears you have a San Diego area code. The only place that I know would have this plant for sure would be Andersen's Nursery in Point Loma. I hope this helps.

11 Jun, 2016

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Pictures by Delonix1
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This photo is of species Kalanchoe pinnata - Cathedral Bells or Air Plant.

See who else has plants in genus Kalanchoe.

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