By Mr_crocosmia
- 18 Jun, 2009
Beautiful and quite rare
Comments on this photo
Isn';t it just.................
18 Jun, 2009
Just how rare is this ???
... and how is Mrs Croc ?
18 Jun, 2009
Fairly rare............. its name is Campanula Beautiful Truth/Trust
Mrs C is good thank you......... we have been quite busy!!
How are you????
18 Jun, 2009
Fine thanks...
Conker the Sheltie is sadly not too well...
.... but responding to chemo treatment... :o)
see latest photos and blog ...
18 Jun, 2009
This one is very striking pretty
24 Jun, 2009
Awwwwwwww, sorry to hear about Conker......... pleased to hear he is responding to the chemo!!!!
29 Jun, 2009
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Wow !
18 Jun, 2009