By Grassroots
- 19 Jun, 2009
Comments on this photo
I am hoping to put some honeysuckle against our back fencing (it's wire fencing so needs screening) along with other climbers.
Your honeysuckle is impressive (I assume in your previous garden) but I was encouraged by your comment "this stuff can grow" as that's what I need for screening...a fast grower!
14 Mar, 2011
Hi Whistonlass. If you require a fast growing plant to cover an area I would strongly recommend honeysuckle. You might have to keep a close eye on it though as it will literally fix to anything it can and spread onto. Another great plant for this is the passion flower climber. Good luck and thanks for the comments.
16 Mar, 2011
Yes, GRoots....I have in mind to plant passion flower, honeysuckle, clematis (Montana) and winter jasmine...for starters. It is quite a long chain wire fence so they can all wander freely (even the ivy which is already established in the same vicinity of the garden. I'd also like to plant a rambling rose....but all this is on hold until we have the ground prepared!
Since joining GoY I've got a notebook full of "wished for" plants! lol I'll have to see how the budget holds! Good luck GRoots...and thank you for your advice.
16 Mar, 2011
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Honeysuckle - man this stuff can grow!
19 Jun, 2009