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Acanthus spinossimus - 2009


By Andrewr

Acanthus spinossimus - 2009 (Acanthus spinosus)

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Wow Andrew, mine is still in bud and I'm looking forward to seeing it flower for the first time, I love architectural perennials, how big is this one?

1 Jul, 2009


It's an established clump having been planted over twenty years ago. Currently carrying 10 flower spikes but I'm trying to stop it spreading and swamping everything else

1 Jul, 2009


Nice though Andrew, arent they. Mine only has one flower spike :-(
Do they have any particular needs?

1 Jul, 2009


Sun and lots of it (although it will grow in shade as well but not flower very much))

1 Jul, 2009


Oh right, that's probably why mine has only one flower spike! It's partially shaded under a large willow tree which is over the border. I've given it some well rotted muck but that will probably just encourage foliage - maybe I should give it some tomorite.

1 Jul, 2009


What beautiful and unusal plant

2 Jul, 2009


Very nice....

3 Jul, 2009


stunning andrew

8 Jul, 2009

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This photo is of "Acanthus spinosus" in Andrewr's garden

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