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White astilbe


By Elke

White astilbe

Just starting to bloom

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Do you have this planted in damp shade?
It looks very healthy.

29 Jun, 2009


It's on the north-east side of the house, TT, so only gets morning sun, but we have others planted in full sun, and they are doing well too. They seem to spread more each year. Last year we came across an astilbe farm (yes, there is such a place!!) in the Annapolis Valley, where it is hotter than here, and they were all planted in a huge field in the blazing sun, doing very well. Does astilbe normally require damp shade? I had no idea...

29 Jun, 2009


I've just looked up about Astilbe care on the internet. They can handle full sun if they are given plenty of water.. Do well in dappled shade.
I have mine in full shade !

29 Jun, 2009


How are they doing? Do you need to move them, do you think?

29 Jun, 2009


They've been planted there in the shade, getting rain water run off from the shed, for a number of years. They flower later than those planted by others in the sunshine. My mother used to grow her astilbe plants by a shady fence, and I just automatically did the same ~ mostly because I presumed they needed to be well watered...

The sunny parts of my garden get very dry indeed without constant watering. Do you need to keep watering your astilbe plants ?

29 Jun, 2009


Patrick does water quite regularly, and as the hose reaches this bed easily, they do get watered. But no more than the rest of the garden.

29 Jun, 2009


Yes, Astilbe appreciate a bit of shade and moisture, don't they. I have two in my front garden and although I try to remember to water them regularly, it's too hot and they don't like it.

5 Jul, 2009

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