RIP Big Poll
By Pamazon

29 Jun, 2009
Big Poll has now gone to a better life, I took her this morning and I wish I had taken her soon, she had deteriorted so much. Thank you to all those who have supported me and listened to me, very much appreciated. This is a photo of her when she was fully well.
Comments on this photo
Thank you. It is hard, I have her empty cage next to where I sit, that was her place, but I can't take it way as yet. It gets easier with time doesn't it? xx
29 Jun, 2009
Yes, that was Big Poll's special place, but somewhere out there, is a lonely sad parrot, needing to come and live with you and be in that cage.....and benefit from your love and care... not yet..... but soon... :o)
29 Jun, 2009
im so sorry to hear Poll has passed on Pam xx
29 Jun, 2009
Thanks Irish, she needed to go, she was deteriorating badly, I miss her so much, she sat next to me in her cage xxx
29 Jun, 2009
it will take time Pam, she had a great life with you looking after her
29 Jun, 2009
This is a beautiful photo of Big Poll.Thought of you both today...and expected to find this.She will always be with you in spirit,and judging by this happy pic,she had lots of love.
29 Jun, 2009
Such sad news :( I know your love& memorys will last 4 ever so Poll will never be from ur thoughts & kept deep within your heart XXX
29 Jun, 2009
Thanks BB and Irish, she is in spirit and safe at last, it was the very least I could do for her, she gave a lot of love, she was the nicest Parrot I have known, not a mean bone in her body, never bit anyone in all her 50 odd years. It's true that time is a healer, just hard at the beginning isn't it? You are so kind, I feel right at home here.
29 Jun, 2009
Thanks Jacque, it is true, she will always be with me wherever I go. xx
29 Jun, 2009
Terra, I have two more elderly Amazons who live in the Big Bird Room. Little Poll is going to go back down to my friend Pam in Cornwall, she was Pam's at the beginning and I am going to bring Mabel down here to live where Big Poll was, will happen in around 3 weeks time, they need to be with people, so that is the plan.
29 Jun, 2009
So very sorry for your loss Pamazon. Having a parrot myself I sure do know how precious they are.
29 Jun, 2009
Thanks Mike, everyone has been so kind on her even though this is not strictly a gardening subject. Each day will be better because I know she is at peace now.
30 Jun, 2009
That's good to know Mabel will be nearer to you. They do like company don't they. You can make blogs with photos, which don't have to go into the main GoY garden photos. So, for instance, you could make a blog showing us pics of Big Poll, Little Poll and Mabel, and explaining your plans for the birds. Maybe include some photos to show the garden views outside their rooms. Would be interesting. :o)
30 Jun, 2009
Thanks Terra, I could do that because I know it is OT for the gardening, it is ended now anyway. I have lots to try and tidy up in the garden, but it is raining at the moment, has been since the thunderstorm last night. I bought 4 more Tubs yesterday and two bags of compost and struggled home on the bus............again LOL, at least the 3 Weigela are planted and they have had a good soaking to start with.
30 Jun, 2009
Well done on bringing four more tubs home on the bus ! :o)
30 Jun, 2009
It's not as bad as it sounds LOL. The tubs are light, it is the compost which is heavy. I also have my Rose, 'The Painter' coming on Friday hopefully. I just saw a picture of it and just had to have one, very hard to get hold of, hope I am not disappointed when it flowers.
30 Jun, 2009
The name is intriguing. Sounds like a lovely rose. :o)
30 Jun, 2009
It's a Sam McRedy 1995 Rose originally called Michelangelo, nicknamed The Painter. It can be a very deep cream with orange splashes, or a pale orange with deeper orange splashes, I'm so longing to see what comes out eventually :o) I also bought 6 'lost label' roses and they are all budding now, excited to see what they bring forth!!
30 Jun, 2009
you will always have poll in your heart and think of Big Poll often
7 Jul, 2009
Thank you PL, she is with me all the time and I know that she is at peace now, it leaves a big space as youi might guess.
8 Jul, 2009
what a beautifull bird pam, so sorry
8 Jul, 2009
Pam ~
Have you seen the parrots on San's blog today about her village... take a look :o)
8 Jul, 2009
Thanks San and I've just been and looked Terra, two beautiful blue and gold Macaws, wonderful birds, you need a large place to keep them and lots for them to do.............:o)
8 Jul, 2009
I'm glad you found the Macaws...
.. a pity if you miss any parrot pics. Lol.
9 Jul, 2009
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God bless Big Poll.
Pam, you've been very brave :o) xxx
29 Jun, 2009