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For Toto - monster caterpillar 1

For Toto - monster caterpillar 1

What a giant ..nice to see caterpillars but this fella strips buddleas.

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great pic BB

4 Jul, 2009


Monster appetite!!!!!

4 Jul, 2009


Hard not to get a good pic Sanbaz as totally absorbed in leaf stripping - could see the chunks he was taking .

Yes Paul sure Toto will give me more details .

4 Jul, 2009


What a brill photo.

4 Jul, 2009


ammazing how quickly they can eat something up

4 Jul, 2009


Looks if he can eatplants as quick as the slugs & snails.

4 Jul, 2009


Thanks Clarice hope you getting to grips with new camera - probably faster Clarice ! yes this one large shrub and only caterpillar on it Sanbaz often regarded as a pest but will await Totos advice.Think I will be like him and live and let live though.

4 Jul, 2009


good idea BB

4 Jul, 2009


BB San's coming to my house in morning to show me how to use the camera.

4 Jul, 2009


That ll be interesting Clarice .. 2 Lancs lasses struggling with technology cant wait for the blog lol

4 Jul, 2009


Cheeky Raymond! Lol. I bet the pair of them are thinking of a suitable reply, arent you girls.

So, has this plant been devoured yet? I've seen this type of caterpillar before but not for a while.

4 Jul, 2009


now now BB there will be no strugling going on lol

4 Jul, 2009


Oh please ll be whats this whats that oh what the hell it ll look so much better after a drink cant kid me I ve seen Coronation Street !

4 Jul, 2009


lol BB, well ive seen last of the summer wine,, is that you BB lol

4 Jul, 2009


LMAO here. - you wait for tomorrow night, they'll post some fab shots, wait and see

4 Jul, 2009


thanx dawn nite guys,,, and nite compo hehe, oops BB

4 Jul, 2009


Sweet dreams ....

4 Jul, 2009


No Sanbaz how dare you .. thats West Yorkshire and we far more advanced we re in Heartbeat country and at least in the Sixties ...dont think those Beatles will ever catch on ..

4 Jul, 2009


Watch this space, we lancashire lasses wont be beatten.

4 Jul, 2009


Good for you Clarice - we await the pics.
BB: So you're a bit of a Nick Berry then? I think you are more suited to "All Creatures Great and Small" - I loved that programme.

4 Jul, 2009


Hey as a real ;Lancashire Lass I have to say you show them San and Clarice stun them with your pics Im right behind you!

4 Jul, 2009


Great shot..........

5 Jul, 2009


I grew a few delphiniums at the back of a border a few years ago and left them, they never did quite well...Until this year, until the few that were going to bloom got all munched down, about half way!
Know how you feel. At least it made for a good photo!

5 Jul, 2009


Another nice pic Bonkers.

5 Jul, 2009


Aye I m right behind them too PP ..wouldnt want to risk being in front of them lol Its reverse psychology Clarice which Newfie will know all about suggesting you wont be able to manage sure you ll be determined to get great shots .. bonkers or what ?

Thanks Hollyeves ..he he Newfie this used to be a large shrub and decimated by one caterpillar .

Thanks Toto.

5 Jul, 2009


lol I can see this one listened to his wife he having dinner :) Well caught nice pic

5 Jul, 2009


Almost looks like a monarch caterpillar. Did you have to...get rid of it? I had to...get rid of a little one that was ruining my petunia today. I finally found that little bugger! I'm not sure if I could snip a giant like this one. Plus, I'm sure that it turns a beautiful butterfly or moth. I'd love to find something like this to share with the preschoolers.

6 Jul, 2009


No Tasteyg,he ate his fill then disappeared !

6 Jul, 2009


lol... probably disappeared into a chrysalis! perhaps you could check to see if there's an interesting chrysalis hanging under cover somewhere in your garden...on a shrub or somesuch. wonder what he became? the monarch butterfly larvae over hear like milkweed (Asclepias) and as it is usually a field weed people seldom complain of their ability to strip a plant of leaves. I've started growing the milkweed in my garden because the butterflys come to the sweet scent of the blossom. delicious scent. the colour of the creature is similar to the larvae of the sawfly that try to take out my explorer rose every year.

13 Jul, 2010


Became a moth Lori so not commonly seen ..biggest I ve seen here and so distinctive you really couldnt miss it these colours must shout yuk to any bird .Whilst happy to have most natural things in the garden the beauty of monarchs and their preference for weeds is great ..if this bred in such numbers you d not have a garden !

14 Jul, 2010 I continued on my goY safari I found the other pics...and the name of the moth... we have catarpillars (how the heck do you spell that?) called tomato hornworms and parsley loving hornworms that are very large and quite voracious and very showy to deter the birds...sorry about your plants, though. The rate of predation on any larvae is high, thank goodness or as you say...there would be no garden.

14 Jul, 2010


Actually Lori plant wasnt a very nice example looking rather moth eaten - groan - a buddleia globosa yellow with button like flowers , old and way past its best .Bit like me but reluctant to remove whilst showing signs of life .. I guess Jane thinks same way better not sit still too long ..

17 Jul, 2010


Awww....poor old buddleia globosa! I know just how you feels.

18 Jul, 2010

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