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Gaura lindheimeri 'Alba'

Gaura lindheimeri 'Alba' (Gaura lindheimeri (Gaura))

Like white butterflies. I shall definitely try cuttings from this one! :-)

Comments on this photo


oh thats beautiful, very very pretty.
i posted a photo today of your babies , they have started to flower already

5 Jul, 2009


I have one very similar, aren't they nice :)

6 Jul, 2009


Is 'Alba' as tall as 'Vanilla' Spritz ?
I have 'Vanilla' and she's almost 3'.

6 Jul, 2009


No - she is quite small, Louise. A mini-gaura! lol.

Eileen, I shall pop across and take a look! :-)

6 Jul, 2009


Really ? Very interesting !!!
I'll keep an eye out for her then :)

6 Jul, 2009


Beautiful flowers. I have the normal one which grows to about 4-5ft.

6 Jul, 2009


I have just been out and taken three shoots from her - they are safely in water in the greenhouse!

Toto - that's a tall one! Wow!

6 Jul, 2009


I thought it was just the standard size Spritz. I like it. Waving about in the breeze it can look quite ethereal.

6 Jul, 2009


these are lovely, can i put my name on one of thoughs cuttings please Spritz :D xxxxxx

11 Jul, 2009


Only if they DO root, Angie! One of them looks a bit floppy. :-(

11 Jul, 2009


gonna try some of mine next week, been soooo busy have'nt even dead headed my roses lol

12 Jul, 2009


Oh dear - mind you, I haven't got round to cutting all the edges yet - and the grass needs cutting again! :-(

We've had such strange weather here - not proper rain, but drizzly, so the grass is too wet to mow, but the garden hasn't had enough watering.

12 Jul, 2009


Are they easy to take then Spritz? love the plant.

12 Jul, 2009


I have NO idea, Dd. This is an experiment - Tt started it and succeeded with Gauras, so I'm having a go!

13 Jul, 2009

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This photo is of "Gaura lindheimerei 'Alba'" in Spritzhenry's garden

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