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By N2organics

5 Jul, 2009
My first "confirmed kill" at our new home. A 4ft long rattlesnake was making its' way across our backyard and I chopped it's head off with my trusty brush clearing tool. Our neighbors have young children and I'm glad that the snake did not get into their yard!
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Not very many at all.. This one was slithering across the backyard stretched out fully and could not strike more than a few inches. When they are coiled up, they can strike the full length of the body!.
I simply aimed about 2 inches behind the head with my machete and the rattler was history! It was interesting.. Although the head was completely severed, the mouth was wide open still trying to bite!
5 Jul, 2009
O.M.G. I hate snakes good kill, are rattlers the worst ones?
6 Jul, 2009
A large rattler such as this one can kill an animal far larger than a human, but seldom do. The juvenile rattlers are far more dangerous than the adults because they have not learned to control the amount of venom to inject into prey, based on the prey's size..
The young ones will often inject ALL of their venom into what they bite and often prove fatal to humans.
8 Jul, 2009
I am petrified of snakes!
8 Jul, 2009
Some snakes such as the garden snake are beneficial..
An easy way to tell the bad ones from the good ones is to look at the shape of the head. Most of the beneficial snakes will have a smooth transition from the body to the head. The "pit viper and rattlesnakes" will have an "ace of spades" looking transition from the body. The head will be much larger than the body where the body meets the head. Others can be quite deceiving, such as the Coral Snake which carries fatal venom and looks a lot like a garden snake...
9 Jul, 2009
19 Jul, 2009
Way to go N2, we have a few eastern diamondback rattlesnakes here, (one of the most poisonous rattlesnakes there are),but our main population of poisonous snakes is the copperhead.
6 Aug, 2009
Flcrazy, what part of the country are you in?
I'm in central Texas and we often have "rattle-snake round-ups"
a little west of here. The snakes are collected and milked of the venom for medical research and are released back into the wild..
7 Aug, 2009
I'm from North Carolina N2. I've watched those rattlesnake round ups before though, on the discovery channel, I think. It was very fasinating to watch, just as long as I don't have to do it..., that is....lol.
7 Aug, 2009
A friend just ask me to make ear rings out of rattle snake rattles they turned out so way cool Good for you.
29 Dec, 2009
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31 Jan, 2008
yuk that you had to chop its head off lol.
do you get a lot of them there
5 Jul, 2009