Making a start!
By Muddywellies

28 Mar, 2008
Not a scrapyard but a garden photograph! This photograph was taken in 1999 during the initial clear up following our arrival at the gardens. This pile (14ft high) came out of the greenhouses amongst the nettles and brambles inside just so we could see what needed doing! Before we could even begin to restore them ourselves. We still wonder how the estate agent had the gall to describe it as a 'mature garden'!
Comments on this photo
:O cant believe some1 would just let that amount of JUNK pile up :O
28 Mar, 2008
Ah now you see, Bob Flowerdew would have been at that lot recyling like mad - you would have had tyre fulls of strawberries by now!!!
28 Mar, 2008
28 Mar, 2008
What a great before photo, couldnt imagine much worse..I am sure that would be turner prize type thing!! hee hee
28 Mar, 2008
Whos Bob flowerdew?
28 Mar, 2008
o i no who u mean now uv z about his long Pony tail lol,
28 Mar, 2008
When digging my backgarden I ran into a quantity of garbage but they couldn't hold a candle to yours!!! Must have cost a mil to get that hauled away!
30 Mar, 2008
Thanks everyone for your 'appreciative' comments - if that's the right word! When I arrived at my garden it was derelict and long-forgotten. It was a great opportunity to 'get stuck in' and today photographs like this show just how far I've travelled since because without them the reality is beyond belief. Initially I tried to get the beeb interested on several occasions to follow my work but their London-based film crews have a major obstacle travelling beyond the M25. Likewise, I've never found a UK-based garden magazine unwilling to publish anything. (Elsewhere around the globe no problem). Back when Groundforce started the beebs gardening magazine informed me 'we don't publish unfinished gardens'. Yet every gardener who visits is not only spell bound by what they find but are fascinated in discovering how we did it!
My apologies for my late comment - I was enjoying a long weekend before my garden opens daily to the public on April 05.
2 Apr, 2008
crikey i thought mine was bad when i started in 2006 it gives me some hope that i wil get there in the end what you have done is marvelous
10 Oct, 2008
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This photo was taken at Winsford Walled Gardens.
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26 Feb, 2008
OMG i bet that took you ages to clear that lot?
28 Mar, 2008