Front porch
By Catfinch

7 Jul, 2009
See helper dogs on roof?
Comments on this photo
~they look a bit precarious!still they have four legs for better balance!
7 Jul, 2009
What on earth? Easier to spot the cats, I suppose!
7 Jul, 2009
They can give you a scare when you come to the front door and they aren't expecting you! Been there, done that. The porch looks very pretty!
8 Jul, 2009
LOL Better to see me my girls Sofie on the left and Phoebe on the right..Phoebe started the roof walking at less than one year old..she is12 years old now, she is part Besenji and part Sheba...she has sticky paws...from the Besenji Africa the breed likes to climb this is natural to Sofie on the other following her out there and now there is not a dog or cat who stays here very long that does not take a roof walk. One neighbor asked me the other day when I was discussing my leasing out my house.."What about the roof babies?" She said it won't be the same without them there. The whole neighborhood knows my roof babies..and enjoys them. They make sure to bring company and friends by just to see them. Phoebe is barkless as well because of her breed...Sofie does bark, but with age is wise about it..not Munchie my grand pup..I have to keep him off when I am having garage sales as he will come right over on the garage roof to bark them silly ..while Sofie and Phoebe act more like little ambassadors to the used to ask my late husband, when he would be outside working.."do you know you have a dog on the roof?" his reply was.."No..but if you hum a bar, I'll try to sing it." LOL I have been trying to remember to say that when I am outside and people say that....but I cannot do it with a straight have had more than one person come pounding on my door so upset, all out of breath..sure that I did not know and it was an emergency....makes me feel bad a bit...
8 Jul, 2009
Amazing Catfinch - never seen this before! I suppose if you move you will need to find a house with a great roof just to keep them happy - and you'll get to know your new neighbours quickly!
8 Jul, 2009
Yeah...Sisty...when they hang over the eve there, of the front porch and look down at you like is a bit more
8 Jul, 2009
Your dogs are pretty and I like the boot planter :o)
8 Jul, 2009
Thanks TT...I bought the boot planter for my birthday last is a favorite..of course.. :)
8 Jul, 2009
It all looks so lovely. Especially your roof walkers.
8 Jul, 2009
Larry walks up there is a sight to behold when he and they and visiting dogs all hold court on the describe where I live as the house with the dogs on the
Bernieh..they will have to give up their dog walking...when I take my leave of here..they will be going to where the horses are..Phoebe has taken up horse wrangling and loves to tease the young stallion into playing with there is a site that is fun to see Sofie has a bad leg and loves walking on the flat ground is helping her hip to get better. There are 3 other dogs there they live in a dog pack and are thrilled to be part the pack..they all know each other well so it is good. All the dogs come here to visit once in a while too..and yes they all go on the
8 Jul, 2009
Sorry that you are leaving your lovely house Cat. I hope you are going somewhere really nice.
9 Jul, 2009
Very nice Toto... :) first to my daughters and such while I lease out to tourists for a while and then over to Wales in the fall...looking forward to all of it..Love the place in Wales.. :) a lot!
11 Jul, 2009
Sounds like a good plan. Something really good to look forward to. It will be nice not to have the constant worry.
11 Jul, 2009
Thinking too if it is leased out a lot in August..I might make it over your way..once I see that I have this thing figured out right as to the bookings etc. My sister Ronna wants me to show up down in southern Washington too..would like to go North and visit Gilli..maybe you and I could do that together..Kamloops is not terrible far from you is it?
11 Jul, 2009
I hope you can manage it, seems like its been forever since you've been over. I looked up Kamloops on my map, you're actually closer to Gilli I am - 363 mi. from here and 262 mi. from PT.
12 Jul, 2009
Really? goodness..for some reason I thought you were closer..well I guess you will have to come over here
naw only joking..really do want to make it over there..
12 Jul, 2009
We may be able to come over for a couple of days in August if you can't make it over here. I've been praying that we'll be busy working in August but it's been so-o-o slow.
13 Jul, 2009
363 miles??? 262 miles??? Just a hop skip and a jump. That would be fab. Very hot here right now though. Hovering around 100F under the spruce tree in the backyard yesterday. Quite smokey too from the fire in Fintry.
23 Jul, 2009
We're even getting smoke here from up there too...makes incredibly red sunrises and sunsets. It was cool enough here this morning that we hauled the horses up to Deer Park and rode for about 3 hours. About 86 when we got back but not so miserable as 100.
27 Jul, 2009
Oh horseback riding sounds so nice right this the same place we went last spring? I really did enjoy that...Flash being a 4 year old and me being so busy lately..have not had time to work him down enough tride yet..not sure I will shoulders have some trouble handing him since he is such a big guy and being so young is still squirrely and needs someone strong to deal with him..not a mean bone in his sweet body but still good at spooking hard..should have gotten an older horse but I do love the big lug..
27 Jul, 2009
Sorry about your shoulders. We take it slow and easy when we ride and don't take chances. I had a 4 year old horse when I was about 30 but he was pretty mellow with a quarterhorsy temperment. Not a hot blood like Flash. I wouldn't be able to handle a young one now...wouldn't even try. Yep same place up at Deer Park, nice quiet trails and roads. Last time we were there, there was a group of equestrians on show horses out for a ride, we just pulled over and let them pass, beautiful horses all shapes and sizes, like a parade. Old "Dan Studley" was quite taken with a mare that was with that group, arched his neck and pranced like a young man. LOL
We saw a mama moose and baby yesterday on the way to Republic. Awwww! Cute.
1 Aug, 2009
I got out there and played with him and Hawk and Aries being in the center of them all handing out loved it..just like kids all pushing and shoving for another..then I haltered up Flash and took him out and brushed him..worked him in the driveway right there..had him do his turns and he had forgotten a whole lot less than'd good and remember the signal for come to the middle..and Move That Butt!..did not give my shoulders too much trouble..was a happy guy as we went on a hunt an sniff session ..counters was a start..but still not able to get to him as much as I would like..
I wanna See da mawmaw moose and baby!!!!!
3 Aug, 2009
Awwww.....I like baby meeses. They are so cute.
3 Aug, 2009
Such a funny baby, the momma plodded across the road like she'd done it dozens of times but the baby was stepping spraddle-legged and sniffing as he went which isn't easy considering the length of his legs in relation to his neck.
3 Aug, 2009
Oh please ...tell me you got a picture...? Pretty Please???
3 Aug, 2009 know I never have my camera when something good happens! It was on the kitchen table where I left it so I wouldn't forget to take it, but I forgot it anyway.
4 Aug, 2009
Weedy, Weedy, Weedy!!!! You must tie it on a string around your neck. Of course I would never do something like that!!! Yeah right!! Hee hee hee.
4 Aug, 2009
Aw...String Theory! My son talks about that all the time. Never understood it before now. Gilli you're a genius!
4 Aug, 2009
Ha....I love the String theory..I tend to agree with your son..but ya know..some how I cannot quite connect it to the camera on a string around your neck...although in this case...IF you had done that...I might now be seeing some very sweet shots of a mawMoose and her baby meese... :(
4 Aug, 2009
Ya see, the string theory is that if you put a string on your camera and hang it around your neck you could probably get some better and maybe even multi-dimensional photographs of mooses and quantum meeses. Gilli is extreminenty inventional!
5 Aug, 2009
and you did not...after having been given this extreminenty inventionalite advisery...have it strung around your neck part.....when you saw said Skunk in your said barn this morning.....Do you not string your neck with it at all times now? What ...Why...Arrrgh...Gilli we are running off at the fingers here and one eye and out the other, as you have said before...hmmmmph.... :o) lol
6 Aug, 2009
I did indeed have said camera hung around said neck but on my way out the door to photograph said skunk, said string caught on the door knob and I was nearly kilt or maybe even worse. Consequintessionally, as I stood for some time thinking I was tied up said skunk exited stage left, slamming the barn door as he went and thumbing his nose at me all the way. So as you can wasn't my fault.
7 Aug, 2009
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lol aye i see them
7 Jul, 2009