Downy Woodpecker, Brown Creeper, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
By Diohio
- 28 Mar, 2008
Here are 3 more woodpeckers that love to come to the peanut butter during winter. The Brown Creeper leaves for the summer and so does the Sapsucker, but the Downy, along with the Hairy Woodpecker, the Red-belled Woodpecker and the Northern Flicker live here all year long. I enjoy it when they bring their fledgings to the peanut butter. One beni of living in the woods.........we get a lot of woodpeckers !
Comments on this photo
Fab Pic :)
30 Mar, 2008
Great Pic!! I had a yellow flicker fly into my window last summer. Broke it's neck,poor thing. Saw a pileated woodpecker yesterday...even with snow a foot deep. A few years back, I watched a pair of them demolish a dead elm! chips where flying!
1 Apr, 2008
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No matter how bad things seem to be, I think we can all be thankful that we are not called Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers. X-D
29 Mar, 2008