Fuchsia ID needed Plez
By Jacque

8 Jul, 2009
If Any Help This Flower is Very Small ! Be very Grateful if a member can ID it 4 me Jacx
Comments on this photo
Never Mind San :) Id just like to add a name to my Garden Tag 4 it :) I brought this end of last yr from local Family Run Nursury & it was looking so Sad & only cost Me 50p :) Its turned out a good size this yr :)
8 Jul, 2009
thats great jacque, what a bargain
8 Jul, 2009
Thanx San :)
8 Jul, 2009
Hawkshead ( Maybe ? )
8 Jul, 2009
Isnt that White Hywel ? :/
8 Jul, 2009
Yes,Jacque..we have Hawkshead,which is white.Take a look at Spritz s Fuchsia,Magellicana...another tiny one which looks like this one of yours !
8 Jul, 2009
Could be Magellanica alba then ?
8 Jul, 2009
Cant be Magellanica it lost all it Leafs Last Winter & thats Evergreen :/
8 Jul, 2009
Stumped then..sorry.
8 Jul, 2009
O well I like it so never mind the Name :)
8 Jul, 2009
Don't know then, sorry Jacque :o(
I've looked in all my books and can't find it.
8 Jul, 2009
Hi Jacque.
Beryl has been looking in some of my books and found one that might be this.
It's name is Flashlight. - Small single pale pink flowers. Hardy, dwarf , upright. It sais it's best in partial shade.
Do you think it could be that ?
8 Jul, 2009
OMG Hywel/Beryl thats fantastic iv just Googled it & its the Spit of Mine :) Thanx so Much 4 taking the time to help me name /ID It :) Do u have this 1 yourself Hywel ?
8 Jul, 2009
No I don't have it Jacque. Beryl just saw a pic of it in one of my books.
8 Jul, 2009
Well il take some Cuttings & get 1 sent 2 u Both when its ready :)XXX Many Many thanx
8 Jul, 2009
Thanks Jacque. Wait until it's big enough though. I don't want you to spoil it.
Beryl sais thank you aswell
8 Jul, 2009
il be Patient Hywel & wait till its ready & Your both very welcome :) x
8 Jul, 2009
i would second Hawkshead Jac, i just bought one, and mine is on the pink side too... very pale but defo some pink in there...i have photos of it if you want to compair... hope it helps.
9 Jul, 2009
HHHHHHMmmmmmmmmmm NNNnarhhhh it cant be Hawkshead Ang ! The Corolla is longer & thinner than the 1s on this Fuchsia :/
9 Jul, 2009
Yes Hawkshead always pure white ..still think Magellinica try alba Jacque which means white but these do have a shade of pink ..no fuschias evergreen as such the hardy ones recover from losing their leaves over winter.
9 Jul, 2009
I have Hawkshead BB and mine does have a touch of pink to it, very pale admitedly but defo not pure white. 100% sure it is Hawkshead.. have a look on my page i have pic's of it. but yours does look a bit darker than mine Jac, so maybe yours is something else.?
10 Jul, 2009
Thanx Jane/Ray & Ang :)
10 Jul, 2009
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This photo is of "Fuchsia "Flashlight"" in Jacque's garden
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not good on names jacque but very pretty
8 Jul, 2009