Brookes Little Owl
By Majeekahead

29 Mar, 2008
she found this in wilkos on friday and carried it around in her shopping basket the whole time we were in there. and every time she was'nt looking i'd try to sneek him back on the shelve - not that i don't like him, - but we already have a shed full of animals and knomes ect to find places for. but she was insistant that he wanted to 'come home with us' and every time i thought i'd got away with it she would say 'mummy don't for get owl!' - aaahhh bless how could i resist, and to be honest - i'm really glad we got him now he looks just perfect in front of these two terricotta pots.
Comments on this photo
O Ang i want1 where did u get Him/Her ?itd look fab in my collection of wildlife&animals ornaments, No wonder Brooke wanted 2 take it home lol SO CUTE :D
30 Mar, 2008
lol Brooke found it in Wilkos, she insists apon having her own basket when ever we go shopping and she put it in there, and was walking about with it for ages, i kept trying to slip it back on the shelves without her noticing, but she kept finding him again, and saying 'mummy don't forget owl, he wants to come home with us!' well what could i say! lol he is a real sweetie is'nt he! so he now sits in front of her christmas tree that santa gave her last year, and peers at her through the patio door, while she sits at the table doing her colouring.
30 Mar, 2008
I love your owl..Brooke has great taste..I go to wilkies all the time (great shop) and ive never seen him, i would of bought one..Brooke's soooo cute...:)
16 Apr, 2008
he is rather sweet is'nt he, he was the only one on the shelf - brooke found him.
16 Apr, 2008
yes it looks fine.a little tip for people bying terracotta pots,owls etc.part of the reasen there that biscuity terracotta coat is they have only bean fired up to about 850 degrees so they are pouras.if you buy a small tin of thompson cement seal and a spray bottle and do the likes of your owl,pots etc inside and out .you wont get so many cracks in winter then.
7 May, 2009
handy tip NP thanks for that i am always loosing pots through the winter due to cracking..the orniments i usually bring in.
7 May, 2009
its a nice little scam for the people selling pots
7 May, 2009
lol do you really think they take it into acount? proberly just not worth the time for 99p a pot as some of them are...
8 May, 2009
they would rather you baught new pots every year they perpasly dont tell you.these are things the consumer has to find out for there selves.thats not just pots everything.vw years ago made a asicly plastic engine that only needed the oil changed .you wont see that in production i a little cotton wool for a fish tank filter and its it for stuffing a settee and you get a sack full for the same lol.i realy think they dont care .its all about the money at that would cost quite a bit more to fier them hotter anyway ?
8 May, 2009
i bought some really nice glazed pots from wilkos the other day that had 'frost proof' written accross the lable they were £2.99 & £3.99 so we shall see.
14 May, 2009
if there glazed they probably are sealed its the unglazed ones you got to worry about.they fire them one inside the the other
14 May, 2009
oh i gues to save on time/energy? no these where the grey clay inside and glazed on the outside so they look very sturdy and really nice actually very pleased with them.
15 May, 2009
you got a good deal and yes it is to save space.wear there made they go in massive kilns
15 May, 2009
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29 Mar, 2008