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Naked Ladies All In A Row


By Diohio

Naked Ladies All In A Row (Lycoris squamigera (Magic Lily))

I rescued these Naked Ladies from the old abandoned farm next door. One spring I noticed the deer had eaten the strappy growth to the ground so I dug a few and transplanted them to one of my flowerbeds. As you can see in the pic, they're happy now. The ones over at the farm are long gone, covered over by briars.

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It is a treat to find a good naturalizer...I see you are prone, as I am, to ramble around old homesteads with abandoned gardens... The treasures you find are worth it.

1 Apr, 2008


Oh yes, well worth it. I've gotten quite a few lovelies from over in the overgrown mess. If I didn't mow my front lawn it would be all it was when we first started building our house. I cleared it all by myself.........NOT gonna let it get that way again. But it tries !

1 Apr, 2008

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This photo is of "Naked Lady, Magic Lily, Surprise Lily, Resurrection Lily" in Diohio's garden

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