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twins...and john the bird man


By Sandra

twins...and john the bird man

Comments on this photo


awww lovely

12 Jul, 2009


arnt they was lovely to see them. i've just added a blog.

12 Jul, 2009


Great Pic Sandra :)

12 Jul, 2009


they dont seem to mind us picking them up. so calm..;-))

12 Jul, 2009


so cute bird

15 Aug, 2009


thank you Jaderose. nice to meet u...;-))

15 Aug, 2009


How lucky you are to have them!
What kind are they? Snowy?

21 Aug, 2009


they are barn owls Marie. they nest in a box in our niegbours shed every year. they are flying now, but as they only fly in the night i cant get a photo...;-((

22 Aug, 2009


What a shame! Theyre gorgeous! I used to love watching the owls at night where I used to stay, but I didn't have a camera, never mind one that would take night shots!

22 Aug, 2009


its great watching them fly the hedges hunting. maybe i could get bill oddie to come with his

22 Aug, 2009


Good idea! Or even Oddbillie!!

22 Aug, 2009



22 Aug, 2009


Seriously, he'd love it, & he is in Wales.........

22 Aug, 2009

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This photo was taken at Corseside Nursery.

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