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my garden


By Sandra

my garden

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You're giving me ideas for my front path .... i've decided it needs to change, i knew it would !

13 Jul, 2009


these bricks came from an old deralict house in the village.

13 Jul, 2009


I think they're just gorgeous Sandra and the planting's good too.

14 Jul, 2009


Love the brickwork!!
Lovely garden too, looks quite tropical!

21 Aug, 2009


thanks doesent feel tropical today....

22 Aug, 2009


It was lovely here til teatime, I've been beavering away making a mess in the garden! It's cold & cloudy now tho!

22 Aug, 2009


why is it that i make sooo much messs in the garden. loads of things need chopping back now and it all hast to be carried up hill to the bonfire...what have you been doing in your garden today?

22 Aug, 2009


Building raised beds, rejigging the hotel des coupages (it blew over & ripped! :~( and deciding where to put all my lovely gifts from Thursday!
Also, I'm digging out a path & a circular herb bed!

22 Aug, 2009


omg you dont mess around do you...;-))
what you going to lay on your path?

22 Aug, 2009


Don't know yet, depends what I can get on freecycle!!
Or what I can persuade my dad I "need"!
I'd like either slate or pea-shingle ideally,or bricks(!) but I've been off work for ages, s no wages. Going back monday, but wont have a "normal" (part-time!) wage for 2 months! I start Uni on the 7th, so maybe a wee bit of my student loan will go towards it!!

22 Aug, 2009


i had to stop with husband got fed up of traveling mile tp pick things up with me....
a lot of my bricks came from an old house in the village. it took ages to clean them off but it was worth all the effort.
what you going to study?

22 Aug, 2009


Community Education. I already work with adults with learning difficulties, & want to do Art Therapy when I graduate, tho the Community Capacity Building Manager for Perth has said he'll give me a job if I decide not to!

22 Aug, 2009


sounds so exciting and rewarding. hope all goes well for you...;-))

22 Aug, 2009


Thank you, I'm really looking forward to it, people have been telling me for years that I should do this course!

22 Aug, 2009


what sort of stuff will u have to do?

22 Aug, 2009


The first year it'll be mostly theory (sociology, politics, environmental & community issues) & community work in placement, but after that you get to choose your direction!

22 Aug, 2009


sounds like you'll have your plate full...but an exciting plate...;-))

22 Aug, 2009


Yep! I've tol my boss I'm changing over to relief staff, as my "rolling rota" is at times when I cant be at work!!
So, although I'm not guaranteed hours, there're always loads, it pays more, I get to decide if & when I work (and where!) & I get paid fortnightly!!
I think I'm going to enjoy the course; I've done a lot of community work, & I've already studied sociology & politics, so the first year should be relatively easy!

22 Aug, 2009


do you get to go to freshers week????
one of my daugters (the one who drove to scotland) Rosie cant wait to get back for freshers part

22 Aug, 2009


Yes, Freshers week is the 7th! I have to matriculate then. I WAS supposed to be going on holiday tha day!!

22 Aug, 2009


ok i just had to use the
its definately important to marticulate....the best part of uni me thinks...

22 Aug, 2009


Yes, but it would've been a fun holiday (just to the borders) & I wanted to visit Samye Ling!!!

22 Aug, 2009


Samye Ling??

22 Aug, 2009


It's a Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Eskdalemuir.

22 Aug, 2009


theres a buddhist monastery near here. they have Wales only elephant...

22 Aug, 2009


I'd love to see that! What's it called?

22 Aug, 2009


not sure but i'll find out.

23 Aug, 2009


Ok ta! Good Morning, it p.......ersisting down here!!

23 Aug, 2009


afternoon..we got muggy drizzel....

23 Aug, 2009


I'm freezing! but I've started the walls! Not enough light to draw!!
The paper came away from the wall above the radiator, so the perfect chance to freshen up the whole room while the hovel's still in a guddle!

23 Aug, 2009


i have been in my grow shed potting on succulents for the nursery with the radio on.. ive just come in for sound busy;[)

23 Aug, 2009


Yep! as usual! I find I either keep on the go, or sit down with a book & fall asleep!!

23 Aug, 2009

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