another over all view of vigna caracalla vine (corkscrew vine)
By Flcrazy

30 Mar, 2008
Comments on this photo
Wow, F1 - this Vigna looks HUGE!! I had no idea they got to be this big... Thing is, I've just been sent some seeds and I'm not sure how to grow the thing!! I see you take it indoors in winter. Not sure what your climat is like - think it's warmer than here - gets down to about -5C these days (used to get a lot colder). So I know mine will have to live in the greenhouse in the winter,. What is it like to dig up each year? Is there like a rhizome or something? The leaves kinda look like a runner bean, so I thought it would be a bit like one of those to grow! If mine looks anything like yours I will be thrilled! How big did the plant get in its first year? I think you said this one was 3 years old, so gets bigger year on year? Sorry to pick your brains like this - all excited about my new seeds! :-D Sarah.
2 Sep, 2008
My three year old vine that is pictured here, died in late winter before I could get it back in the ground I accidently watered it twice in one month during it's dormant stage and to say the least, it didn't like it too much. Luckily I harvested some seeds from it last year, I started several more from seed this year. I'll post a pic of my new, first year vine for you and I will give growing instructions with that post. They form tubers under the ground, that get larger with age. I will show you one that is still growing in the pot I germinated the seeds in this spring beside the one I planted in the ground. You will see why I encourage you to grow it in some sandy, well drained soil in the ground.
2 Sep, 2008
All my Vigna seeds grew in the end :-) I ended up with 5 plants. I didn't have room for that lot (esp judging by the size yours got to!) so I sold 2 on e-bay, planted two out in the garden and one, the best one, into a large container of compost so that I can drag it into the greenhouse over the winter. Hoping it will be ok..... I will remember your advice about watering in the winter. I think I read s'where that they tend to be deciduous over here in winter, in which case I suppose I should avoid watering it at all. I didn't add any grit to the compost hope it will be ok. The others I will lift and pot up - must remember the grit!
No sign of any flowers on any of mine unfortunately, but the one in the container has put on a lot of growth. Just been so unlucky with the weather this year.......
19 Aug, 2009
That was a very insightful thing to do Sid. I bet selling two on ebay more than paid for the seeds you had, so the one you kept wound up being free... ! Mine is just starting to set blooms. It is a late bloomer for me too. Usually from late August till late October. Mine isn't going to have alot of blooms this year either. I haven't been fertilizing it regularly like I have in the past. The older I get the less I can keep up Not to mention my patience is nearly gone....:-(
19 Aug, 2009
Oh dear, I haven't been fertilising mine either..... If the frosts hold off I might get some flowers, but there's no sign of any at the moment :-(
21 Aug, 2009
Don't give up on it Sid ,it may wind up blooming for you in early Winter in your Greenhouse..:-)
21 Aug, 2009
Hope so :-)
27 Aug, 2009
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Such a fab vine I am going to look for one~
1 Apr, 2008