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goldfinch seeds


By Sanbaz

goldfinch seeds

i decided to take 4seeds from my goldfinch, not knowing what i was doing really, but planted them about 2 weeks ago and low and behold 3 have sprouted, i know they are tiny but its my first attempt at doing this in my growhouse, get your spyglass out to view lol

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Good luck with these, San :o)

22 Jul, 2009


These will be a nice surprise when they flower San :)

22 Jul, 2009


thanx TT and not sure how long it takes to grow one of these but maybe next year who knows,, we will see jacque :o)

22 Jul, 2009


ah sandra well done it's the best feeling when we see signs of life like this - its still a novelty to me

22 Jul, 2009


thanx angie yes it is a great feeling, must keep my eye on them with watering

22 Jul, 2009


Ive missed something here what are they? can see no beak or wings whatever they are they look strong

22 Jul, 2009


lol bjs,, they are goldfinch seedling, i have the plant page 9 of my pics, no wings or beak just the name of plant not birdy

22 Jul, 2009


Great, hows you lettuce doing.

22 Jul, 2009


doing well carol, will take a pic if i get chance 2moz ok

22 Jul, 2009


Got some more lettuce seeds if you wont them, there spicey so i'm not that keen.

22 Jul, 2009


thanx carol but i cant eat spicy with my dodgy tum, nice of you to offer :o)

22 Jul, 2009


Its ok But your Baz might like it.

22 Jul, 2009


what baz eat rabbit food lol, carol wash your mouth out lol

22 Jul, 2009


My dad use to call salads rabbit food.

22 Jul, 2009


i love it :o) salads

22 Jul, 2009


So do i.

22 Jul, 2009


and even stranger, rabbits get a runny tummy if they eat lettuce!

22 Jul, 2009


I've heard that before, mind you my goldfish like a bit of lettuce.

22 Jul, 2009


yes the carp family are happy to munch on 'soft' leaves.

22 Jul, 2009


Glad Bjs brought that up. I was feeling a bit confused too! Never heard of Goldfinch as a plant, just had a look on your pics and might give it a go.
What is it with men and rabbit food? They seem to like growing veg but not eating it!

23 Jul, 2009


so goldfinch is a broom. it will take about 3yrs to come to flowering size. they may be nothing like the goldfinch parent. ooh the suspene. can you wait that long sanbaz? :o)

23 Jul, 2009


thanks for the info sea... well ive started it so will carry it out, maybe i should feed it steroids lol

23 Jul, 2009


Cytisus I might have known! I agree with Seaburngirl it will take 3 years ,one thing to add watch out for slugs and snails they love them, they strip the outer skin of the stem and that is good by to the plant.
If you want more C.Goldfinch you are better off taking cuttings, I can tell you how if you want to know

23 Jul, 2009


i read up on that after reading about planting seeds, was just experimenting really, thanx Bjs, they are lovely though and if they work its a bonus and if not ive lost nothing really :o)

23 Jul, 2009


You had me going there. I thought Goldfinches were birds , I,d never heard of anyone growing them before ......LOL.......

24 Jul, 2009


lol amy, not one of my jokes this time, yes not the bird type, the plant which is a broom

24 Jul, 2009


Well done and good luck with them Sandra .. :o)

24 Jul, 2009


thanx amy :o)

24 Jul, 2009

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