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Blight on tomatoes

Blight on tomatoes

The brown splodge on the stem is blight. Once it gets this far there is no hope for the plant.
Blight can stay in the ground from one year to the next.
Check out the previous photo for blight on leaves

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Growing my tomatoes in pots in greenhouse no sign of blight.

22 Jul, 2009


I think thats the way to go in the current weather conditions, theres just to much rain at the important time for the plants. I have got a greenhouse or rather a poly tunnel type thing but I bought it to late to use this year as I only have a small garden and had filled it all up.
I only put this photo up to show Dawnsaunt what blight looked like. :~((

22 Jul, 2009


Pleased you did because i've not really seen it before.

22 Jul, 2009


Horrible looking thing Isn't it

22 Jul, 2009


It sure is.

22 Jul, 2009


Have you seen the other photo I've put up with blight on potato leaves? Yuk

22 Jul, 2009


I'm here, thanks Ian. I'll check my plants tomorrow - such a shame to see them like this. So the stems will just rot off then?

22 Jul, 2009


It probably would get that far if you left it long enough but my thoughts are to get it out of the garden as soon as you know you can't cure it, if you catch it early enough you can just cut off the affected leaves and 'hopefully' the plant will be alright. In this case the problem was in the soil from last year, I thought I had cured it with liberal doses of Jays fluid diluted in water but it doesn't seem to be the case. Next year I intend to use growbags in my new poly tunnel :~))

22 Jul, 2009


Mine are in growbags - its a good way to put a barrier between the earth and the tom's, isnt it.

23 Jul, 2009


I certainly hope so :~))

23 Jul, 2009


By the way, It smells disgusting !!!!!

24 Jul, 2009

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