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Photos tagged as "Hayward"

  • The old Dizzygotheca. (Pleranda elegantissima.)
    By Stan510
  • Aloe cameronii in Summer color. (Aloe cameronii)
    By Stan510
  • Pseudobombax ellipticum. (Pseudobombax ellipticum)
    By Stan510
  • Small potted Aloe. (Aloe compressa)
    By Stan510
  • City Champion Jade Plant. 8'+ (Crassula ovata (Jade tree))
    By Stan510
  • More Flea Market finds.
    By Stan510
  • Brom in tree doing well. (Aechmea pineliana v. minuta)
    By Stan510
  • Chamaedorea metallica blooming. Heavy Metal Palm tree. (Chamaedorea metallica)
    By Stan510
  • View from empty field in June.
    By Stan510
  • Desert Palms doing ok here. (Phoenix dactylifera (Date))
    By Stan510
  • Date palms with epiphytes. (Phoenix dactylifera (Date))
    By Stan510
  • Old Date Palm trunk. (Phoenix dactylifera (Date))
    By Stan510