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Photos tagged as "Hayward"

  • Ruler of all in my yard he surveys!
    By Stan510
  • Cycad and "Fireball" neoregalia bromeliad. (Cycas circinalis (Fern Palm))
    By Stan510
  • June Orchid,blooms...
    By Stan510
  • Jackfruit! (Artocarpis heterophyllus)
    By Stan510
  • Reed Orchid pods. (Epidendron sp.)
    By Stan510
  • The tinge of green you see is usually our December green..
    By Stan510
  • Aloe happier in a pot then in the ground. (Aloe aborescens  variegated.)
    By Stan510
  • Greening up.
    By Stan510
  • Closer to green.
    By Stan510
  • Hanging tree cactus blooming. (Rhipsalis pilocarpus)
    By Stan510
  • More green by the day... (Phoenix canariensis (Canary Island date palm))
    By Stan510
  • Hills,Eucalyptus, Citrus,Jet airplane.
    By Stan510