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Photos tagged as "Hayward"

  • Philodendron 'Evansii' (Philodendron evansii)
    By Stan510
  • Evansii up close.. (Philodendron evansii)
    By Stan510
  • Orange tree.
    By Stan510
  • Walk through a canyon.
    By Stan510
  • cool canyon air...
    By Stan510
  • ferny time of year..
    By Stan510
  • Native maidenhair.. (Adiantum jordanii)
    By Stan510
  • Cordy at trail entrance.
    By Stan510
  • Finch in aviary..
    By Stan510
  • Aviary
    By Stan510
  • The great Hayward Falls..
    By Stan510
  • Redwoods and Sycamore.
    By Stan510