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Photos tagged as "bulbs"

  • Erythronium hendersonii
    By Anothergala..
  • Fritillaria atropurpurea
    By Anothergala..
  • Fritillaria meleagris
    By Anothergala..
  • Narcissus W P Milner
    By Anothergala..
  • Narcissus Lemon Drops
    By Anothergala..
  • Nectaroscordum (Nectaroscordum siculum)
    By Wagger
  • Nectaroscordum seed head (Nectaroscordum siculum)
    By Wagger
  • Allium christophii  (Allium christophii (Persian Onion))
    By Wagger
  • lilies (Lilium)
    By Wagger
  • lily (Lilium)
    By Wagger
  • sphaerocephalon (Allium sphaerocephalon (Round-headed leek))
    By Lemondog
  • Ixia (Ixia)
    By Wagger