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Photos tagged as "bulbs"

  • Galanthus (Galanthus)
    By Karensusan63
  • crocus whitewell purple (crocus small flowered)
    By Lemondog
  • Barr's purple (Crocus tommasinianus (Crocus))
    By Lemondog
  • daffodil stratosphere (Narcissus triandrus (Angels Tears))
    By Lemondog
  • winter bulbs (Galanthus nivalis 'Flore Pleno')
    By Pcw
  • Crocus 'Pickwick'
    By Karensusan63
  • corydalis Beth Evans (Corydalis solida (Fumewort) solida (Fumewort))
    By Lemondog
  • Crocuses
    By Wagger
  • more crocuses
    By Wagger
  • crocus
    By Wagger
  • Chionodoxa (Chionodoxa luciliae (Glory of the snow))
    By Garrett
  • Narcissus Tete a tete (narcissus)
    By Garrett