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Photos tagged as "butterfly"

  • Butterfly - White
    By Theoldgunner
  • Paited Lady on Rockery
    By Theoldgunner
  • Colourful candytuft
    By Mebennet
  • Butterfly bush
    By Madmum
  • 'Painted Lady' sunbathing
    By Bigbumblebee
  • butterfly on  Helichrysum
    By Zummerzet
  • Small Tortoiseshell & Painted Lady
    By Theoldgunner
  • Speckled Wood Butterfly
    By Nailseaned
  • Butterfly in our garden today
    By Andy_and_jill
  • Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria L.)
    By Healerwitch
  • Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata)
    By Healerwitch
  • Butterflyweed (Asclepias tuberose)
    By Healerwitch