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Photos tagged as "butterfly"

  • Small Tortoiseshell - Nymphalis urticae
    By Twin
  • The Painted Lady - Vanessa cardui
    By Twin
  • The Painted Lady - Vanessa cardui
    By Twin
  • Peacock Butterfly - Nymphalis io
    By Twin
  • Large White - Pieris brassicae
    By Twin
  • Large White - Pieris brassicae
    By Twin
  • a welcome visitor
    By Mageth
  • Buddleja with Butterfly (Buddleja davidii (Butterfly bush))
    By Bazrob
  • morning rain has spangled the new blossoms on the crabapple
    By Lori
  • Crabapple...
    By Lori
  • Flowering Crab...
    By Lori
  • Peacock butterfly
    By Mrs3dogs