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Photos tagged as "clematis"

  • Clematis 'Barbara Dibley'
    By Sewingkilla
  • Clematis 'H.F.Young' Its prone to clematis wilt and this year is the first its produced more than the odd flower. worth the wait as its a great large flower in a lovely mid blue. (Clematis H.F.Young)
    By Drc726
  • Close up of Clematis Montana 'Broughton Star' (Clematis Montana 'Broughton Star')
    By Drc726
  • Unknown Clematis
    By Meanie
  • Untitled Clematis
    By Shirley_tulip
  • Clematis blue eyes
    By Hiltonhen
  • Clematis 'fireworks'
    By Sewingkilla
  • may 2014 005
    By Sewingkilla
  • may 2014 007
    By Sewingkilla
  • West facing border / North Border
    By Bornagain
  • Clematis President
    By Neellan
  • Clematis President
    By Neellan