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Photos tagged as "clematis"

  • Clematis General Sikorski
    By Homebird
  • Clematis without a name.
    By Homebird
  • Clematis Comtesse de Bouchard (Clematis)
    By Homebird
  • Somebody's watching you....
    By Kasy
  • Baby Clematis montana - few weeks later
    By Kasy
  • The first and only
    By Kasy
  • Clematis Vyvyan Pennell (Clematis)
    By Linda235
  • Double Clematis (Help with ID please).
    By Alanb
  • Double Clematis (showing leaf). Help with ID please.
    By Alanb
  • Clematis  .. Princess Diana  ...
    By Amy
  • Clematis tangutica (Clematis tangutica)
    By Siris
  • Clematis "Etoile Violette" with Trachelospermum jasminoides (Clematis "Etoile Violette")
    By Siris