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Photos tagged as "pond"

  • Planting around pond
    By Buttybabe
  • Barbed Wire Plant (Calocephalus)
    By Buttybabe
  • Potentilla Fruiticosa Red Ace (Potentilla fruticosa)
    By Buttybabe
  • Water mint (Mentha aquatica (Watermint))
    By Seaburngirl
  • 009.jpg  Houttuynia in the pond
    By Mad
  • 001.jpg  A double Tagetes
    By Mad
  • 003.jpg Cotinus with Escallonia
    By Mad
  • Pond edging in place
    By Buttybabe
  • LED lights around the pond frame
    By Buttybabe
  • More lights around the pond
    By Buttybabe
  • Aponogeton (water Hawthorne) (Aponogeton distachyos (Water hawthorn))
    By Homebird
  • Another photo of the draggon fly
    By Homebird