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Photos tagged as "pond"

  • Japanese Garden
    By Andy_and_jill
  • 04_10_01.jpg
    By Buttybabe
  • 04_10_02.jpg
    By Buttybabe
  • 05_10_01.jpg
    By Buttybabe
  • Looking for leaks!
    By Buttybabe
  • Expanding waterfall
    By Buttybabe
  • Our local pond.........
    By Hollyeves
  • Phlox "David"?
    By Gramanator
  • IMG_0158.jpg Beautiful Black eyes
    By Gramanator
  • IMG_0174.jpgWater Lily
    By Gramanator
  • gone to seed (Iris pseudacorus (Yellow Flag))
    By Seaburngirl
  • My daughter's pond
    By Mad