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Photos tagged as "pond"

  • Computer_control
    By Julian
  • Nymphaeas  (Nymphaea)
    By Uma
  • A new pond?
    By Gee19
  • Dragons Den
    By Busylizzy
  • Water + Ice...and water plants...
    By Uma
  • Young leaves of Iris pseudacorus  (Iris pseudacorus (Yellow Flag))
    By Uma
  • Tiny brook in our pond
    By Uma
  • No ducks!
    By Gee19
  • Icy Pond
    By Dawnsaunt
  • Exochorda x macrantha 'The Bride' (Exochorda x macrantha (Pearl bush))
    By Okasia
  • Frozen pond
    By Treeman
  • Frozen pond
    By Simbad