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Photos tagged as "pots"

  • Arabis procurrens 'Old Gold' (Arabis procurrens 'Old Gold')
    By Annella
  • Fuchsia & Heuchera
    By Annella
  • Barney & the Catnip Pot
    By Wylieinthea..
  • Saxifraga aizoon minor
    By Annella
  • Skimmia Pot
    By Annella
  • Hebe flower buds
    By Annella
  • Azalea with buds
    By Annella
  • Frosted Sempervivum 2
    By Annella
  • Heuchera 'Miracle'
    By Karensusan63
  • Heuchera Garden Feb 3rd.
    By Karensusan63
  • Tete a tete again
    By Karensusan63
  • Front Pot
    By Willinilli