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Photos tagged as "pots"

  • Herb corner
    By Kasy
  • Pots to go 1 (Convolvulus Cneorum)
    By Annella
  • Pots to go 2
    By Annella
  • Pots to go 3
    By Annella
  • Aubrieta 'Bressingham Red' (Aubrieta 'Bressingham Red')
    By Annella
  • Aubrieta 'Dr Mules variegated' (Aubrieta 'Dr Mules variegated')
    By Annella
  • Phormium 'Bronze Baby' (Phormium 'Bronze Baby')
    By Annella
  • Gravel garden & pots
    By Annella
  • Separating areas - Using a sleeper and pots
    By Stephenweaver
  • Hosta in a snail shell (Hosta)
    By Seaburngirl
  • Acer Pot
    By Annella
  • Front garden pot
    By Annella