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Photos tagged as "rose"

  • White rose.  (Rosa)
    By Raquel
  • Adenium obesum - Desert Rose (Adenium obesum - Desert Rose)
    By Delonix1
  • Adenium obesum - Desert Rose (Adenium obesum - Desert Rose)
    By Delonix1
  • Adenium obesum 'Ice Pink'  - Desert Rose (Adenium obesum 'Ice Pink'  - Desert Rose)
    By Delonix1
  • Rambler Rose 'Albertine' freshly pruned 11.08 (Rosa filipes)
    By Xela
  • Miniture Red Rose
    By Panther
  • yellow rose - bud
    By Raquel
  • yellow rose - another bud opening  (Rosa)
    By Raquel
  • yellow rose - fully opened  (Rosa)
    By Raquel
  • yellow rose- beginning to fade, with geranium
    By Raquel
  • Three blossoms.
    By Raquel
  • Yellow rose redux.
    By Raquel