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Photos tagged as "rose"

  • Another rose in our school garden.
    By Bernieh
  • Yet another rose in our school garden.
    By Bernieh
  • Hellebore -- Helleborus Orientalis (Lenten rose) (Helleborus orientalis (Lenten rose))
    By Paulthegard..
  • Dog Rose (Rosa canina)
    By Toto
  • Rose, Yellow
    By Autumn
  • Yellow Rose
    By Autumn
  • After the rain
    By Autumn
  • Desert rose starts blooming (Adenium obesum (Desert Rose))
    By Justjan
  • Desert Rose Close up (Adenium obesum (Desert Rose))
    By Justjan
  • Rose Therese Bugnet
    By Lori
  • Rose Therese Bugnet
    By Lori
  • Rose-like Flowers
    By Justjan