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Photos tagged as "snow"

  • Patio under a blanket of snow tonight. 30/11/10
    By Homebird
  • winter 008
    By Ufty53
  • winter 003
    By Ufty53
  • winter 004
    By Ufty53
  • Pump pretending to be a Hobby Horse.....
    By Homebird
  • Terry said he would mow the lawns today...
    By Homebird
  • We were going to have tea on the patio after T mowed the lawns....
    By Homebird
  • "Am I bovvered?"
    By Karensusan63
  • Ella keeping warm.
    By Hollyeves
  • Thrush in the snow.
    By Hollyeves
  • Snow arrived today
    By Hollyeves
  • Gazania in the snow
    By Hollyeves