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Photos tagged as "snow"

  • snowy garden
    By Hollyeves
  • Outside my door
    By Hollyeves
  • Rocky in the snow
    By Sewingkilla
  • Checking the bird feeder
    By Sewingkilla
  • Should have made her come in when it started to snow again..
    By Homebird
  • Meet the neighbours.
    By Homebird
  • Our Car
    By Mr_crocosmia
  • Ammonite in the snow
    By Hoya105
  • old churn in snow
    By Hoya105
  • Acer griseum and fairy! (Acer griseum (Paper-bark maple))
    By Hoya105
  • Viburnum Tinus
    By Karensusan63
  • Japanese Corner with Acer Sango-Kaku on left (red stems)
    By Karensusan63