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Cassia fistula - Golden Shower Tree in San Diego, CA.

Cassia fistula  - Golden Shower Tree in San Diego, CA. (Cassia fistula  - Golden Shower Tree)

This young Golden Shower tree is one of three seedlings of the larger, flowering tree I posted a few pics back. Photo taken Sept. 27, 2012.

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Its very bushy is nt it looks healthy.

29 Jul, 2017


It looks more sparse as a larger tree. I'm sure it's due to the lack of water. This tree really prefers to have a lot of water during summer (even though it has some drought tolerance). I'm sure that's why the mother tree died (from lack of water).

30 Jul, 2017


The leaves look shiney enough no Browning on them perhaps its where its planted next to a pavement and grass sapping the goodness from the tree.

31 Jul, 2017


The leaves are very shiny. The mother tree which died was next to the house. It seem extremely dry. It was amazing it did as well as it did in the past. It does need some water in summer.

1 Aug, 2017


Such a shame they did nt water it or perhaps they did nt want it.

1 Aug, 2017


Unfortunately, we were on very severe water restrictions. If you watered you got cited or more. We could only water twice a week (only for 20 minutes) depending on the number of your address. I had never seen such strict water rationing. It was HORRIBLE! Even by capturing most of my grey water I still had several plants die because the temps were very, very hot even during winter.

2 Aug, 2017


Must be horrible to be on such restrictionsthere and watvhing your plants die. Is there any wells there like we have here but we are not allowed to use them which causes so much flooding here .

2 Aug, 2017


Yes, some people have wells...especially in Northern San Diego County. There's a lot of ground water there.

It is horrible to have to watch plants die and not be able to water them. We can water now, even though we must always conserve water here. San Diego always seems to be in drought conditions. The next four months is usually the hottest and driest time of the year in San Diego. If we're lucky we may get some rain in November...although, statically November is the sunniest month of the year in San Diego.

4 Aug, 2017


I would go well witching Andy rather than watch my plants die there must be some places around there which have undiscovered wells or underground water. All you need is one of these.

Seems the hot weather has arrived early there strange to me you have the sunniest month in November I hope you get lots of rain soon.

4 Aug, 2017


No, the really hot, humid weather starts in June or July. We can have hot weather anytime of the year, though.

Yes, it would very nice to have a well. Then, I could water everything all the time. It's expensive in electricity, though (the pump).

5 Aug, 2017


The same here then and August here.

An electric pump ? our wells here you would use a bucket on a Lilly system this one they have blocked off a few miles away where I use to live but there is one in a back garden just off my lane they have blocked that off to in fear the kids might fall down it. There are also ones around Coventry city also St Paul's church not sure if the church knows about that one I found it by researching as I go on our city's history site where we can upload lost and past history.

5 Aug, 2017


I think it's a little different than there. It stays hot here much longer...sometimes till the beginning or end of December.

I'll check out the websites. Thanks. :>))

8 Aug, 2017


Yes I did wonder if your wells were different to ours.

8 Aug, 2017


I think the wells here are much different. It's really difficult, I believe to dig a well in the urban areas. You need special permits and the ground water gets very low during droughts, so it may not be so practical these days.

9 Aug, 2017


Would be best to see if you have water first on your ground by defining or withering for water as on the video link above.

9 Aug, 2017


Very true. Here where I live I doubt there's much ground water. Further to the east a lot more ground water.

11 Aug, 2017


Divining or witching I meant lol

You 'll have to move east Andy lol

11 Aug, 2017


It's much too hot to move east. lol!

14 Aug, 2017


Awe noooo stay where you are then. ?

14 Aug, 2017


Yes, as you go east it gets 10 degrees hotter with every 5 to 10 miles, until you get to the desert.

15 Aug, 2017


Think I would move west then lol is that the Arizona Dersert Andy.

16 Aug, 2017


Yes, the west is best! lol! Just a little over an hours' drive to the east (of where I live) and you are in the extremely HOT low desert of eastern San Diego County.

17 Aug, 2017


I can imagine how hot it is there . Years ago I had a visit from two young ladies from the Mormon church which came from Arizona Desert area they thought we looked very young for our age here I said its because of our weather lol the heat must play havoc with their skin. I still have photos of Elder Taggy and Elder Shippon two young men from Utagh who use to visit playing games with my two kids I am not religious though. ☺

17 Aug, 2017


Yes, when living in the desert you need to moisturize all the time or you'll turn into a prune! lol! It really is awful dry and hot. This is why I hate to go to the desert in summer.

When I visit Las Vegas I only go for 3 days max. It's because the dry air and heat affects my eyes to badly. By time I come home my eyes look like cherry tomatoes.

19 Aug, 2017


lol yes I know what you mean . I would nt want to go into a desert of any kind because of dry air.

Is that on holiday to Las Vegas or work I can imagine it would nt be good for your eyes is nt it built on sand.

19 Aug, 2017


I don't go to Las Vegas very often; however, when I do, it's for vacation. I can't take the extreme heat during the day and night. It's very common for it to be well over 100 degrees at midnight (It's like most desert areas).

21 Aug, 2017


I can imagine the heat there would be un barable. I hope you enjoy your vacation when you go beside the weather.

21 Aug, 2017


Most of the time everyone is indoors in the ac during the day...then, people venture outside when the sun goes down. It can also get pretty darn cold in Las Vegas during winter.

21 Aug, 2017


Yes they say the desert can be bitterly cold at night.. We have A.C. in some shops here which affects my throat and breathing fans too I suppose you get use to it though and welcome it there. Its good you can venture out at night being cooler.

22 Aug, 2017


It gets cold in Las Vegas; however, about 80 percent of the year it's very, very hot.

I have my fans on 24/7 most of the year here in San Diego. Luckily, I don't need to use the ac all year, though. The last couple of weeks here have been so nice and comfortable, only low 80's (it's been below normal temps). It can easily be in the mid-to-upper 90's and humid.

23 Aug, 2017


Is Las Vegas hotter than San Diego.

I bet that cost in engergy having fans on constantly and using AC occtionally.

That's great you 've had comfortable weather for you.

24 Aug, 2017


San Diego is warmer in winter. Las Vegas is located in the Majave Desert. If you read about Las Vegas' climate on Wikipedia, it's accurate.

A very long heatwave is starting in San Diego this Saturday. It's going to last a couple of weeks. It's typically sweltering in inland San Diego this time of year. Well, so much for the comfortable weather. I knew it couldn't last this time of year. I guess the ac will have to go on. It's forecasted to be over 100ºF (38ºC) here for at least 3 to 5 days.

25 Aug, 2017


I shall have a read about Las Vegus thank you Andy.

I pitty you with the heat wave coming Andy especially for so long a time yes I think you spoke to soon having your comfortable weather lets hope it only lasts a few weeks then returns to more comfortable weather.
They said today on the radio we are goinng to have a week of hot weather I just hope its not to hot .

25 Aug, 2017


Yes, this heat wave is going to last a long time. There's excessive heat watches issued by the National Weather Service for all of San Diego County, starting on Sunday. Most likely the temps are going to be 106ºF (41.1ºC) or higher in many areas of inland San Diego. I can hope they're wrong! Ugh!

I hope your heat wave isn't as bad as the one earlier this year.

25 Aug, 2017


I hope your prepared for it Andy but then I suppose your use to it. Let's hope they are like the weather forecasters here if they say Sun you can guarantee rain lol . I hope it's not to bad out there when it comes makes me wonder how you'd can work with lack of sleep thought it.

26 Aug, 2017


We're never really prepared and used to such horrible heat! We complain to high Heaven! LOL! :>))

The ac will definitely have to stay on non-stop for at least 3 or 4 days, maybe longer. The heatwave may last for couple of weeks. It will be extremely hot for 4 or 5 days...then not be quite as hot.

San Diego's beaches will be extremely packed for several days. It's going to be in the 90's even at the beaches. So, it won't be so comfortable at the beaches, either. The Ocean temp has cooled down to 73ºF (23ºC) so it'll be very refreshing.

27 Aug, 2017


So your weather as you said before is getting hotter so I can understand you not being prepared I know I would moan to lol.

Thats good it will cool down after 4 or 5 days hopefully for yous there. Yes you need your AC defiently.

Thats a good sign the ocean has cooled down.

27 Aug, 2017


It's usually pretty warm to hot most of the summer. However, when it gets really hot, we just don't like it. LOL!

The lows of mid-to-upper 70's that were forecasted haven't happened yet. The lows have been around 70 degrees which is warm but not too hot. The high temps here haven't gotten above 100ºF (38ºC) yet, either (inland a few miles from me much, much hotter, though). So, it's hot, but not unbearable. I just heard on the news on tv that the excessive heat warning is going through Friday now. So, maybe I'll be complaining a lot more by this weekend! LOL! :>)

29 Aug, 2017


Same here Andy its ok hot but unbearable like on Sunday we moan to ?
If I hear a whine across the Atlantic I ll know its you complaing and you ve got the excessive heat lol I hope it stays just bearable heat for you there until Friday.

29 Aug, 2017


I'm moaning, already. LOL! It's really hot and humid outside. I'm not liking it at all. It's already 106ºF (41.1ºC) at 11:00 a.m. in some places around here. Yuck! LOL!

29 Aug, 2017


I thought I heard an echoing whine come from across the Atlantic lol s
You ll have to put your AC on fans and all Andy my goodness that is hot I dont envy you at all.

29 Aug, 2017


Yes, it's still sweltering here at 11:00 p.m. There's a double barrel high building in, and it's going to really heat up over the next 7 to 10 days. Ugh! All the 8 fans and ac will be running. LOL! This is more typical of inland San Diego in summer. The last two weeks in the low 80's was a dream! It was so comfortable! Now, it's back to reality. LOL!

30 Aug, 2017


How awful for you Andy hope yoi mange to get to sleeppray tell what is a double barrel building ?
lol I can imagine your house taking off like a kite 8 fans !! my goodness. Shame the 80 s temp did nt stay longer for you there we ve got rain after a very hot week end crazy weather.

30 Aug, 2017


Yes, it's been extremely hot here. However, just to the east of where I live it's been up to 110ºF (44ºC). The excessive heat warning has been extended through 10:00 p.m. on Saturday.

31 Aug, 2017


Wow hot then bank holiday here was just over 28C it felt hotter in our news they reckon we will have an Indian summer.

I hope your weather cools after Saturday . I find it funny each time you have it hot so do we recently.

31 Aug, 2017


It's actually been over 110ºF (44ºC) in some places inland from me...and that's not even in the desert. Today, may be a lot hotter. I wouldn't be surprised to see some temps around 115ºC (46.1ºC) in some inland areas. I can't believe the low temp here (where I live) is forescasted to be 80ºF (27ºC). That's very unusual! 75ºF (24ºC) isn't too unusual; however, a low of 80ºF (27ºC) is so rare. That's Key West, Florida lows.

1 Sep, 2017


I bet your glad you ve got it cooler than other areas around you then.

1 Sep, 2017


Well, today was extremely HOT everywhere! No place was spared the extreme heat in California today, not even the beaches. San Francisco hit an all-time high of 106ºF (41.1ºC). My mother told me (on the phone on my way home from work). Most places in the San Francisco Bay Area were close to 109ºF (43ºC), though.

Even with the ac running all day inside my house, it was 85ºF (30ºC). When it gets too hot, even the ac can't cool the house very well. It's still insanely HOT outside even at 10:00 p.m.

2 Sep, 2017


How awful with the heat Andy kind of your mum to keep you up to date with how hot it was in all the other places around San Fracisco Bay. You ll have to keep your windows and doors closed if the air is warm too marble floors also keep a house cool.

2 Sep, 2017


Yes, this heat is relentless! Last night the temp stayed above 90ºF (32ºC) until 5:00 am for most of San Diego County. Now, it's cooled down a little and it's raining. We're getting some of the moisture from Tropical Storm Lidia and we should be getting some of the wind a little later today. Very, very crazy weather!

The SF Bay has had extreme heat the last three days. Last night it was almost a hot as it was here in San Diego. This weather is insane!

3 Sep, 2017


Thats what I hate about having to live in a hot country not being able to sleep not resting just going by our hot weather or no wind . I ve been to the south of France but that was in a March in the early 1980s so it was cool .
Yes I ve just seen Stans blog clocking up 107 f on his temp clock crazy now revised to 108 f it is madness .

Yes the weather has defiently gone crazy every where so glad its rained for you there and now its cooler for you from storm Lidia hope the wind has moisture as dry wind can dry plants out to even here.

3 Sep, 2017


Yes, it's absolutely miserable here! When it get this hot even some of the largest ac units have problems cooling homes and businesses. Almost every Labor Day Holiday weekend here in San Diego, it get very hot! I should be used to it.

Right now it's cooled to the nice comfortable 80's. YAY!
It's really humid, though. There's some little showers and a little breeze. The strong winds never made it here from the tropical storm.

Yesterday, my plants were so, so sad. I watered in the morning and by the late afternoon they were extremely wilted or burned from the extreme heat! :>((

I'll have to check out Stan's blog.

4 Sep, 2017


Same here miserable but its raining Andy.

With all their technology they still can not create some thing against weather. The Romans had the right idea using marble floors etc inside their buildings to keep it cool.

Glad its cooled down there for you lets hope the humidity soon goes. Great you ve got showers and breeze at least it waters your plants a little shame the winds did nt reach you that would of got rid of the humidity.

Thats a shame your plants burnt you ll habe to get some kind of tempory shade next time like a sun umberella. Yes Stan on one of his pages has had the hot weather to.

4 Sep, 2017


Send some of your rain here. We just got a few showers. We need some real rain. :>))

Some places had some really high winds from the storm. We did get some higher winds later in the afternoon around 5:00 p.m.

Only a few burned very slightly. Everything has recovered very well. It was humid, so the damage is very light. When we receive the Santa Ana's that when plants FRY!

4 Sep, 2017


lol Andy if I did send you rain they would accuse me of being a witch and mad and move me again .
I am suprised they dont use the rain gun there like the farmers use in America which I ve watched them using on tv on a country side program they shoot something like a bullet into the clouds then it starts to rain.

Thats great you did nt get to much damage to your plants when the next lot of heated weather comes you ll have to provide more shade some how.

4 Sep, 2017


Well, we definitely don't want them to accuse you of being a witch and mad! LOL! :>))

Cloud seeding has been done in the past. I don't think it's used in urban areas anymore.

Luckily, the highs are forecast to be in the mid-to-upper 80's and the morning lows around 70ºF (21ºC) the rest of this week. Yay! That's very comfortable.

5 Sep, 2017


Lol Andy no we don't if you think I am joking look at the church name sign in the church next door to me on the blog of hoar frost I put on for you last few photos it says Salem Baptist to where the authorities moved me to . People always blame others for their own evil intent

No it was done on an American farm so I doubt if they do it on the urban areas trouble is this does have an affect on weather.

That great the weather is cooler for you there and you will be comfortable .

5 Sep, 2017


I didn't see the sign.

It's still hot here. It's typical for it to be extremely hot in September and usually through October and sometimes into November. It's not unusual for it to be in the 90's (36 degrees C) in late November.

9 Sep, 2017


Wow hot then we have rain sun and cold here at present heavy winds are predicted nothing to do with storm Irma . Ee get rain dull days as a usually through those same months.

11 Sep, 2017


Yesterday was horribly hot! It's suppose to cool down by Friday. I can't wait.

We never know what the fall and winter will bring. Some years it's really warm and dry through Christmas. Many times January can be warm to very warm and sunny and dry. I just hope we receive some good rains!

12 Sep, 2017


How awful for you Andy lets hope it soon cool down for you and you get some rain.

Sounds like our weather forecasts and weather unpredictable.

13 Sep, 2017


It has cooled down to below normal temps. It's only been in the upper 70's or 26ºC here. These temps have been records low-high temps around San Diego, because it's usually extremely hot this time of year. I'm so glad it hasn't been too hot. It will eventually get very hot again. It's never not been super hot in Sept and Oct here.

19 Sep, 2017


Thats great its now cooled down for you there Andy lets hope it stays like that for a good while . I hope through October it stays cooler to.

19 Sep, 2017


It's not going to last. It will start getting very hot by this weekend. It's suppose to stay very hot all next week. Ugh! :>))

20 Sep, 2017


lol Andy you must be British they are saying its only the British that always talk and complain about the weather we complain if it snows rains or hot lol. I dont know how you cope with such heat for so long lets hope it does nt last to long.

20 Sep, 2017


We San Diegans complain about the heat; however, most of us are used to it. LOL! We definitely don't like when it gets cold, which isn't too often here.

22 Sep, 2017


I know I would to with to hotter heat lol you would nt last long here then with our cold.

22 Sep, 2017


Yes, some other GoY members have said the same thing. It's most likely true. I really don't like cold weather. When the temps go below 62ºF (17ºC) at night people here bring out the parkas. LOL! It's true, though.

27 Sep, 2017


lol Andy its 16c here today no one is wearing parkas here today I class that as mild.

28 Sep, 2017


Today, the high here was 77ºF (25ºC), which is cooler than normal. Typically, we see very hot weather from: 85 to 100ºF (30 to 38ºC) or hotter this time of year.

3 Oct, 2017


So pleasex its cooler there for you Andy strange how normally at thus time you get hotter weather perhaps its those storms that has altered the weather there.

4 Oct, 2017


It's typical for California to receive very hot weather in late summer and fall. Some of the hottest weather comes closer to the coast this time of year. We're just used to it. There's La Niña coming, (supposedly) this winter. This means well below normal rainfall (strong possibility with slightly cooler weather next summer). We'll have to wait and see.

5 Oct, 2017


That wont be very helpful for your plants and collecting rain water if there is going to be low rain fall this winter.

5 Oct, 2017


I know. However, the last strong La Niña we had above average rainfall. We never know these days. The last very strong El Niño from a couple years back was suppose to bring us 200 percent of normal rainfall in Southern Califrona and we received well below normal rainfall. I hope we just receive our normal 10 inches (254 mm) of rain!

5 Oct, 2017


Lets hope you get ankther like the last Elnino .

6 Oct, 2017


No, we don't want to receive rains like the last strong El Niño. We hardly had any rain. I hope we receive rains like last winter! That would be very good for San Diego.

7 Oct, 2017


Thats what I said the last one above avarage rain fall as you said above.

7 Oct, 2017

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