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Ceratonia siliqua - Carob Tree
By Delonix1

6 Jun, 2010
1 like
A close up of the Carob tree leaves. It has not fruit on it yet. They tend to be very messy when all the seed pods start falling. Photo taken Balboa Park, San Diego, CA on June 3, 2010.
Comments on this photo
Unfortunately, most people don't use the bean to obtain carob. It is very easy to extract the carob from the beans and it's naturally sweet -- not like chocolate where sugar has to be added. I think many people just don't know extract the carob from the beans.
6 Jun, 2010
I'm surprised, i thought it would be used a lot - seeing as it's so readily available.
6 Jun, 2010
I think people may just like to buy carob instead of take a little effort and have it fresh. I know it doesn't make sense. : > )
7 Jun, 2010
These trees are very widely grown in most of low-elevation CA. The fruit can be very messy though.
17 Jun, 2010
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20 Mar, 2009
Do they use the beans/pods Delonix, we can buy it (end product) in various forms here.
6 Jun, 2010