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Cistus creticus
By Karensusan63

7 Jun, 2013
This has had to be moved a little as it was being crowded out by an Astrantia. Lovely tissue paper petals.
Comments on this photo
Thanks Moti....Cistus Paunanum is bright yellow. I love these, I'd forgotten about them until I saw Annellas and thought they would do well in my sunny garden areas...and they are evergreen...brilliant plants! This one is a lovely pale lilac shade.
8 Jun, 2013
Gorgeous I love the petals just like tissue paper;0)
8 Jun, 2013
Rock roses always look warm as well don't they? Love them!
8 Jun, 2013
Little beauty....
11 Jun, 2013
This is one of my all time favs Karen :o)
12 Jun, 2013
I've had to move it was being swamped by an aster. It doesn't seem to have minded too much, but is a bit slow to get going again. We had good rain last night which will have helped.
12 Jun, 2013
It should be fine Karen, I've had to move them in the past (not an easy job here though!)
14 Jun, 2013
yes, it hadn't been in that long, so it was easy peasy. I don't think it really noticed much!
14 Jun, 2013
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I've only ever seen the pink or white Cistus Karen....Fab colour
7 Jun, 2013